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Star Tenacians

When we say we miss school, we mean our friends and the fun!

Not the studying part! Old friends are loyal friends, friends of Happy days.

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Time to head back to school days!

Dear all,

Let us head back to school days, create memories again.

A little pain,

A little pleasure,

A little heaping up of treasure,

Then no more gazing upon the sun,

All things must end that has begun!

- That is life in short. But in between we create memories.

Memories of happy days. With family and friends. 

Our favorite ones are the school days. The innocent times, carefree and crazy, where the world was ours to conquer.

Now here we are, each bound with "responsibilities"  -the invisible chain tells us that we are busy, 

that meeting old friends is not worth the trouble, there are "important" matters to finish.

But believe me, dear friend, this moment, this reunion is priceless, and that you are the most important part of it.

Be there for your friends, be there for yourself! 

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+91 9609 88 9999

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